Small Together Now Checklist

The rest of this website provides detailed steps for how to complete every action listed here. Visit our voice, time, and money pages for deeper details on why each action matters and how to complete it right now.

Or, get started by working your way down this list now, knowing we've done our research to find the most effective ways to support democracy.

Volunteer your time

Join a "Polling Place Vote Tripling" group to volunteer to remind voters to text their friends as they leave their polling place. (Research suggests this is the single most effective way to increase voter turnout.)

Join a text bank to help get out the vote in your free moments. Pick a day then join the Open Progress Slack channel to get started.

Volunteer to be a Poll Observer with the Joe Biden campaign and report any voter intimidation you witness to 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

Apply to be a Poll Worker in your state. Find roles near you on

Share personal stories through “deep canvassing” on the phone with People’s Action. (Research suggests this is the single most effective way to shift voter preferences.)

Write letters to potential voters using (PAST DEADLINE)

Contribute your money

Donate to the State Slate to encourage voter turnout for local elections.

Give to the 10 closest U.S. Senate races to ensure presidential accountability and judicial appointments that reflect the beliefs of the American people.

Subscribe to an independent local newspaper. Find one wherever you live.

Contribute to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition's Free The Vote project. (NOTE: 2020 election impact date has now passed, but this is always important.)

Chip in on the presidential race to support confidence in voting and the democratic process.

Support "line warming," bringing comfort to people in long poll lines, by donating to Pizza to the Polls, Chefs for the Polls, or Georgia55.

Sign up for to automatically donate to grassroots organizations in swing states every time @realDonaldTrump sends a Tweet.

Use your voice

Vote. Visit to determine the best way for you to cast your ballot.

Text anyone you've chatted with in the past 30 days to ask them about their local candidates (look them up based on their address here).

When you vote, text 3 (or more) friends proof.

Check in with anyone you know who's moved (or changed their name) recently about their voter registration.

Post your voting plan, who you support, and the "receipts" of any actions you've taken—but don't give any other discourse oxygen.

Share this website. : )

Let's break voter turnout records together.

Send an email any time to : )

This is a personal website, not associated with any organization and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.