I want to use my money.

A fair democracy would be less influenced by money than ours currently is. Ironically, we have to win elections to make that happen.

That's why we need our collective small, grassroots donations to outpace the million-dollar donations and PACs from corporations and rich guys.

Big donors have clear research on how to spend their money to win elections. Now, you do too.

  ACTION #1  
Donate to State Legislature candidates in key races

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 3 minutes

Why it matters:  These are the positions that determine voter rights, voting districts, and voting process. In other words, they set the fairness and foundation of our entire democracy. Republicans outspent Democrats on State Legislature races by 5-to-1 in 2018. And they went from holding 36% of all state legislature chambers in 2010 to holding 59% today.

Furthermore, donating to these local candidates is an efficient way to drive voter turnout—which benefits all races, from U.S. Senate to Presidential. Read more in the "Give to downballot candidates" section of this great overview of effective political giving.

  1. Give to the State Slate: Find the State Slate on ActBlue. This will evenly split your donation across the 40 local candidates most likely to flip in 5 key states. There are 5,876 state legislature seats up for election this year, so these 40 really are the ones that matter most.
  2. Screenshot your receipt or confirmation email: People love receipts. Save this proof so you can...
  3. Post your donation receipt and challenge others to match: This shows that you put your money where your mouth is—motivating others to do the same. A simple "just donated $X to key local races. who will match?" with your receipt should do the trick. Feel free to elaborate on why (or keep it short and sweet).
  4. OPTIONAL: If you feel a particular state is most critical to the national election—or have a personal connection to a state—consider donating to the closest State Legislature races there. This can be an effective way to drive turnout for up-ballot races while helping elect state legislators who will enact fair voting rules and processes for the decade to come. Here are two easy ways to donate to competitive state legislature races in states that also hold significant electoral votes: Flip Pennsylvania Blue and Turn Texas Blue.
  ACTION #2 
Help people who have served their time pay fines and fees

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 5 mins

Why it matters:   People who have completed their sentence for a felony conviction in Florida still aren't allowed to vote until they pay off all their fines and fees. Everyone deserves a voice.

NOTE: This remains important work but will no longer impact the 2020 election because the voter registration deadline in Florida has passed.
  1. Donate to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition's Free The Vote project: Simply donate to Free The Vote here. You can even use your saved ActBlue payment information. While this will no longer impact the 2020 election, since the Florida Voter Registration deadline has passed, this is important work to do all the time. It has a direct impact on individuals' freedoms and lays the groundwork for fair democracy.
  ACTION #3  
Support close U.S. Senate races in swing states

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 3 mins

Why it matters:   The Senate controls the confirmation every Supreme Court Justice appointment. It holds the power to enact, block, or repeal every single federal law. It even holds the power to remove the president from office if impeached. And its structure is fundamentally skewed towards one party because its representation does not correspond to population clusters. Winning the U.S. Senate in 2020 is arguably the most consequential outcome from the election.
  1. Donate to 10 key Senate races in one click: Simply donate to these 10 challengers here. These 10 races are all close enough to go either way—but the latest polls show Democrats have a real chance to win all 10 of them. If you're feeling even more ambitious, you can also donate to the 24 closest U.S. Senate races in one click here. The smaller group of 10 because is the top priority because it means your dollars are more targeted.
  2. Donate to targeted House of Representatives races in important Senate states: This one is clever, and potentially very effective. Donate to these 5 House candidates who have the local campaign infrastructure to turn out more votes in states that also need it for Senate races. Donate to these 5 candidates through the Great Slate here.
  ACTION #4 
Chip in on the presidential race

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 3 mins

Why it matters:   One candidate openly encourages and organizes to intimidate other voters—and is trying every method he can to confuse and suppress votes. That's not democracy. The other candidate explicitly and passionately advocates for everyone's right to vote. Let's make sure he wins.
  1. Donate at JoeBiden.comHere's a direct link to the donation page. Consider donating $46, if you can—but any amount goes a long way.
  ACTION #5 
Subscribe to an independent local newspaper

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 30 mins

Why it matters:   Local, independent news increases government accountability and civic engagement. Local newspapers also alleviate tribalism by bringing focus to specific issues people feel directly connected with.
  1. Find a local publication in your community: This can take a little research. Try searching for your [town, neighborhood, or city] + [newspaper]. You'll probably have to scroll past a bunch of "local affiliates" (e.g. ABC7, News 8, Pix 12). Examples range from big city local papers like The City or the Brooklyn Eagle, all the way down to small town newspapers like The Swarthmorean. If you're having trouble finding one where you live, consider looking for a newspaper in a town where you've lived previously or a town nearby.
  2. Verify their independence: Typically, you can find this information pretty easily in an "About Us" section. If it's not there, you may have to do your own research or call the publication's offices to ask. You can immediately avoid anything related to Patch.com or local TV networks.

    Why care so much that they're independent? Because they're the ones fundamentally committed to covering local issues.
  3. Subscribe: If you can afford it, this is one of the best few dollars you will spend each month. You're supporting your community, democracy, and your own knowledge. If your local paper doesn't have a subscription option, call them and ask them for the best way to support their work. Follow through on their suggestions—whether it's a one-time donation, recurring donation, or recruiting more readers.
  4. Write a letter to the editor: Ask how they are advocating for voters and how they recruit new readers.
  ACTION #6 
Support "line warming" orgs who help keep people comfortable in long lines at the polls

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 5 mins

Why it matters:   Over 1,200 polling locations have closed since 2013. That makes waiting times even worse, particularly in predominately Black communities—which already have the longest waiting times, on average. The polling place closure have occurred in critical swing states including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. Bringing comfort and sustenance to those forced to wait in line helps more people stick it out to cast their ballot.
  1. Choose an organizationPizza to the Polls has built processes and relationships to deliver food to long poll lines across the country. Chefs For The Polls will be providing food for people in long poll lines (and to Poll Workers) at certain locations in at least 23 cities. Georgia55 provides robust line warming, including food, beverages, and PPE in this important state that has been severely impacted by poll closures.
  2. Donate to help them fund food and materials to deliver: Donate here for Pizza to the Polls or here for Chefs For The Polls or here for Georgia55. You can also Venmo or Cash App @georgia55project.
  ACTION #7 
Sign up for "Defeat By Tweet" to automatically donate every time Trump Tweets

Estimated time:   ⌚︎ 3 mins

Why it matters:   The president's rhetoric is dangerous, particularly when he says things that decrease confidence in the electoral process itself. This is a way to automatically counteract his divisive words every time he spews them. On 60 minutes, Mr. Trump acknowledged "I think I wouldn't be here if I didn't have social media." and "Frankly, if I didn't have social media, I'd have no way of getting out my voice." Donald Trump lives rent-free in many of our brains. This is a simple way to massively raise his rent by automatically donating to grassroots organizations in swing states every time he tries to steal attention by Tweeting.
  1. Sign up for Defeat By Tweet: Visit DefeatByTweet.org and sign up. Choose to donate either 1¢, 5¢, or 10¢ every time @realDonaldTrump Tweets. You can also set a maximum limit on your monthly donations to something like $9 per month.
  2. Edit your donation limit any time in the Momentum app: Use the link emailed to you when you signed up for Defeat By Tweet or download the Momentum app to easily edit your limit to increase, decrease, or stop your automatic donations.

I also want to use my . . .


Thanks for everything you're doing.

Send an email any time to hello@smalltogethernow.com. : )

This is a personal website, not associated with any organization and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.